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Rust Diesel not building with error use of undeclared crate or module


I am trying to create my first Rust app with database support, I am using Diesel with SQLite, whenever I build my application I get the following error message:

failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `categorys`  --> src/models.rs:14:12   |14 | pub struct Category {   |            ^^^^^^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `categorys`error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `correspondents`  --> src/models.rs:21:12   |21 | pub struct Correspondent {   |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `correspondents`error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `doctypes`  --> src/models.rs:27:12   |27 | pub struct Doctype {   |            ^^^^^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `doctypes`error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `documents`  --> src/models.rs:37:12   |37 | pub struct Document {   |            ^^^^^^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `documents`error: aborting due to 4 previous errors

My cargo.toml:

[package]name = "Rekorder"version = "0.1.0"authors = ["ossama"]edition = "2018"# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html[dependencies]diesel = { version = "1.4.4", features = ["sqlite"] }diesel_cli_ext = "0.3.6"dotenv = "0.15.0"chrono = "0.4"[dependencies.gtk]version = "0.9.0"features = ["v3_16"][dependencies.gio]version = ""features = ["v2_44"]

My models.rs:

// Generated by diesel_ext#![allow(unused)]#![allow(clippy::all)]use chrono::NaiveDate;use diesel::Queryable;use diesel::Identifiable;use diesel::sql_types::Binary;#[derive(Queryable, Debug, Identifiable)]pub struct Category {    pub id: i32,    pub name: String,    pub color: Option<i32>,}#[derive(Queryable, Debug, Identifiable)]pub struct Correspondent {    pub id: i32,    pub name: String,}#[derive(Queryable, Debug, Identifiable)]pub struct Doctype {    pub id: i32,    pub name: String,    pub correspondent_name: Option<String>,    pub support_extra_date_number: Option<bool>,    pub icon: Option<Binary>,}#[derive(Queryable, Debug, Identifiable)]#[primary_key(number, date_of_document, doc_type_id)]pub struct Document {    pub number: i32,    pub date_of_document: NaiveDate,    pub doc_type_id: i32,    pub extra_number: Option<String>,    pub extra_date: Option<NaiveDate>,    pub correspondent_id: i32,    pub content: String,    pub notes: Option<String>,    pub category_id: Option<i32>,    pub document_file_name: Option<String>,    pub document_file_size: Option<i32>,    pub document_file: Option<Binary>,}

My schema.rs:

table! {    category (id) {        id -> Integer,        name -> Text,        color -> Nullable<Integer>,    }}table! {    correspondent (id) {        id -> Integer,        name -> Text,    }}table! {    doctype (id) {        id -> Integer,        name -> Text,        correspondent_name -> Nullable<Text>,        support_extra_date_number -> Nullable<Bool>,        icon -> Nullable<Binary>,    }}table! {    document (number, date_of_document, doc_type_id) {        number -> Integer,        date_of_document -> Date,        doc_type_id -> Integer,        extra_number -> Nullable<Text>,        extra_date -> Nullable<Date>,        correspondent_id -> Integer,        content -> Text,        notes -> Nullable<Text>,        category_id -> Nullable<Integer>,        document_file_name -> Nullable<Text>,        document_file_size -> Nullable<Integer>,        document_file -> Nullable<Binary>,    }}joinable!(document -> category (category_id));joinable!(document -> correspondent (correspondent_id));joinable!(document -> doctype (doc_type_id));allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query!(    category,    correspondent,    doctype,    document,);

and finally my main.rs:

mod models;fn main() {    println!("Hello, world!");}

I tried to add use schema::* to my model.rs to no success as the model is not found.I also tried this solution to no success.

I cannot get to use the correct scopes, I am new to rust, I still getting used to its paradigm

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